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UNESCO Ukok Plateau

Writer's picture: Lady SiberiaLady Siberia

Updated: Mar 3, 2020

The Ukok quiet zone, better known as the Ukok Plateau, can rightfully be called one of the most remote and mysterious places on the map of the Russian Federation. It is located almost in the center of the Eurasian continent, at the junction of the borders of Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia (Ulan-Daba Pass, Gobi Desert) and China. Ukok, as well as other Altai reserves, is included in the UNESCO heritage list.

The Ukok Plateau is an incredibly beautiful and mystical place, which is often compared to Tibet or Machu Picchu by the power of sensations. Snowy mountain peaks, bright Rhododendron ledebourii flowers, barrows and mountain lakes - all this forms a natural ensemble of indescribable beauty.

Rhododendron ledebourii

Many visitors of the Ukok Plateau note a special atmosphere, subtle vibrations, and spatio-temporal connections. Here, it seems that you just have to close your eyes, turn around several times and ... here warriors in brilliant armor with fast-legged horses are already passing by, slow caravans of camels in brocade blankets proudly walking, carrying their expensive burden - goods, merchants and their close ones.

In general, Ukok is:

  • the most mystical and mysterious place in Altai;

  • crossroads of times and civilizations;

  • the site of the ancient Silk Road;

  • the junction site of four states - Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and China;

  • the quiet zone, the habitat of animals and plants from the Red Data List;

  • snow-white hats of beautiful mountains;

  • amazingly beautiful nature, seasoned with stunning sunsets, foggy sunrises, clear rivers, thick viscous air and a complete lack of connection with the outside world! - neither cellular nor electricity.

UKOK Plateau

Alpine steppes are a large living macroorganism, living according to its own laws that are poorly known to us, unusual places for a person. The Ukok Plateau also belongs to the alpine steppes, it is located in the south of the Altai Republic, a remote and inaccessible place with absolute heights of 2200 - 2500 m above sea level. In the Mongolian language "Ukok" - a hill with flatness on top.

The Ukok Plateau is the bottom of an ancient sea with a corresponding relief - a huge flat bowl, bounded by plush soft hills of sand, gravel, and boulders, covered with lush grass. Judging by the white color of the rock, the sea was cold.

The Ukok quiet zone keeps many legends and secrets because there are a fairly large number of archaeological sites on the Plateau, some of which were created in the Paleolithic era. On the Plateau were also discovered the burial of cultures, which, according to research results, existed in 3-2 millennia BCE.

Princess Ukok burial ground

Archaeologists have discovered on the Plateau more than a thousand different archaeological sites, most of which date back to 8-3 centuries BC. e. There are many burial mounds and stone statues symbolizing wars have also been discovered on the Ukok Plateau. Petroglyphs are also common.

This millennial Plateau is considered sacred among Altai shamans and Chinese Buddhists. Altai elders call it “the beginning and the end of everything” or a “chest” and believe that only those can get to the Ukok who were accepted by the spirits of the mountains. According to tradition, tourists who are going to visit the Plateau must tie a ribbon to the altar stone of the Obo masters.

Altar stones of the Obo masters

The uniqueness of the Plateau is also in the fact that the virgin landscape of the glacial era was preserved almost unchanged. The climate is harsh, in winter the temperature can drop to -50 ° C. It is worth noting that the freezing temperature can even be on summer nights. And while walking along the Plateau there is a high possibility of catching hail.

Where is the Ukok Plateau

The Ukok Plateau is located in the far south of the Altai Republic at an altitude of 2200-2500 meters and is surrounded on all sides by mountain ranges. The highest point of Altai is the mountain Kuiten-Uul, with a height of 4374 m. It is interesting to note that Kuiten-Uul is the second-highest among the Altai mountains, and the first place belongs to Mount Belukha.

Ukok Plateau on the map

Coordinates of Ukok Plateau on the map:

  • Latitude - 49.32673

  • Longitude - 87.71168

Distance from settlements:

  • From Kosh-Agach to Ukok about 111 km

  • From Biysk to the Plateau about 671 km

How to get to the Ukok Plateau

When going on a trip, you should know that all roads to Mountain Altai pass through the administrative center of Biysk. And to get to the Plateau, your path will most likely run through the following settlements:

Biysk town - Mayma village - Manzherok village - Ust-Sema village - Seminsky Pass - - Ongudai village - Aktash village - Kurai village - Kosh-Agach village - Border post “Solonyeshnoye”

Passing Biysk town, you will find yourself on the historical part of the Chuysky tract, which was mentioned in ancient Chinese chronicles under the name Mungalsky tract. It is worth saying that after the Kosh-Agach village there will no longer be an asphalt road.

The road to the plateau is difficult and the first serious obstacle is the Teplyy Klyuch pass - a long climb along a road carved into the rock, where pits, potholes, stones, and boulders are scattered in a staggered manner, streams flow down the slopes. The equipment going to the plateau must be seriously prepared - reinforced suspension, winch, snorkel, etc.

The Teplyy Klyuch Pass

Flora & Fauna

The fauna and flora of the quite zone have not been studied enough.

Allium Pumilum

(wild onion)

Rhodiola Algida

Mountain Apollo

Colias Tamerlana

Oreoleucis-cus Potanini

A. Chrysaetos

(golden eagle)

Uncia Uncia

(snow leopard)

Ovis Ammon

Procapra Gutturosa

(mongolian gazelle)

Gather all the essentials to the road

  • First Aid Kit. Begin with a first-aid kit with essential medicines for you. The nearest pharmacy, shop, and a hospital is more than a hundred kilometers away by total off-road. You can pre-arrange a travel insurance.

  • Clothes & shoes. The best style, which is probably suitable for any travel, is the style of "ala cabbage" when one piece of clothing can be worn under another and keep yourself warm if it suddenly gets colder, or take off jackets, sweaters and t-shirts layer by layer until you will achieve the desired body temperature. It is good if the clothes are made of quick-drying fabrics because the weather at Ukok is very changeable. It is best to have two pairs of shoes - one universal - waterproof and comfortable for walking, on a flat sole with a good pattern; the second - to stay in the camp - flip flops, rubber slippers, slates.

  • Sleeping bag. On a tour to the Ukok Plateau, a sleeping bag is mandatory for everyone.

  • Self-heating pads - an indispensable thing in extreme conditions.

  • Ticks repellent. It will not be superfluous to take repellent against ticks.

  • Car. In addition, if you decide to hit the road by car - it must be a car with increased cross-country ability.

  • Food & Water. It is also worth taking water and food in reserve.

In Ukok, there is no cellular connection and electricity, so it is better to put the phone in flight mode, this will save it charged for a longer time.

Best Time to visit

the Ukok Plateau

In Altai, each season has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most popular season is, of course, summer. It is in the summer that various excursions and routes are provided. But summer is the time for vacations, so there will be a lot of tourists. In addition, you will have to endure the heat. The most suitable months for visiting the Ukok Plateau are June and August, but July is the hottest month, and prices are also rising significantly.

In autumn, there are significantly fewer tourists in Altai. If you are lucky with the weather, then September will be an ideal time to visit, because it will be still warm and dry, and besides, prices will drop. Altai winter is very close to Siberian, but it is not so cold. In winter, there is practically no snow on the Plateau, since a strong wind blows it.


The Plateau is located in the border zone, so you will definitely need to issue a special pass. Documents can be issued both in Gorno-Altaysk, and at the border post itself, located in the village of Kosh-Agach. It is important to note that foreigners need to get a pass in advance, in about a month.

If you decide to go by yourself, be sure to bring along a detailed map of the area so that later there will be no problems with border guards because there are practically no checkpoints. In addition, there is a risk that you will be left without cellular communications and the Internet. Be sure to plan ahead what you might need.


Near the Ukok Plateau there are several attractions that you can also visit. Kalgutinsky factory and Kalgutinsky mine. The factory, where tungsten and molybdenum ore was previously enriched, and the mine itself, where these ores were mined. Now the factory and the mine are not functioning.

Kalgutinsky mine

The pass “Teplyy klyuch” and thermal sources “Teplyy klyuch”. It is important to mention that the pass is considered quite difficult and lengthy, so you need to be well prepared for the trip. Not far from the pass is a unique thermal spring - the Jumalinsky spring, in which the water does not freeze even in winter. It is worth noting that the sources also belong to the UNESCO World Heritage, which also protects the world-famous Yellowstone Volcano.

Jumalinsky spring

Not far from the Ukok Plateau is the Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola massif with the highest point of 4374 m (Mount Nairamdal). This massif is a sacred place for Chinese, Tuvan, Altai and Mongolian Buddhists. Glaciers Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola is the largest glaciers in Altai.

Glaciers Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola

Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola massif


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