In the Sayano-Shushenski Nature Reserve in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory live rare species of animals. There are snow leopard, pallas's cat, reindeer and others. The reserve has been included in the UNESCO international reserve system since 1985.
Creation of the Sayano-Shushenski Nature reserve

In the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the western slopes of the Sayan Mountains, in the 70s of the last century, one of the most beautiful and inaccessible reserves of Russia, the Sayano-Shushenski, was opened. The main goal pursued by the creators of this unique natural park was to save rare species of animals from the consequences of the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaia hydroelectric power station.
Scientists were thinking about creating a reserve on the banks of the river Yenisei, when a project of a local hydroelectric power station appeared. The river was blocked in 1975, and a year later a reserve was created there.
The reservoir strongly influenced the ecosystem of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Due to the flooding of 1.2 percent of the protected areas, foxes and badgers disappeared from these territories, which could not adapt to new conditions. Due to the dirt around the pond, the animals did not approach it. The vegetation has completely disappeared. In this state, the flooded territories remained for about five years.
The first that adapted to the new conditions were plants. The shores of the reservoir turned into a green oasis, which became food for herbivores. Then predators returned to their habitats, and later ungulates. After the construction of the hydroelectric power station, even the local climate has changed: it has become warmer along the banks of the river Yenisei. Since the park did not imply a recreational area, it is quite difficult to get to it today. The reserve area is 390368 ha.


The temperatures are divided as follows. In the zone of the “average” continental climate in July it is 19-27C , and in January -40 to -48C . Tourists should come here no earlier than June. Behind the ridge is much warmer: in the middle of summer 30-35C , and in the midst of January - not lower than - 13C . In some valleys it is very arid. Therefore, the best month here is May.
Flora and Fauna
The flora and fauna of the reserve is extremely diverse. Almost 100 species of animals - rare, endangered or listed in the Red Data List. Squirrels and sables, wolverines and moose, lynxes and wolves live in the forests. With the construction of the hydroelectric power station, there appeared more of pikes, perches and bream in ponds.
There were found about 300 species of birds in the reserve. Some of them live in protected areas constantly, some fly away after nesting. The black stork, the white-tailed eagle and the steppe kestrel are listed in the Red Data List.
The main territory of the Sayano-Shushenski Reserve - more than 1000 square kilometers - is occupied by cedar forests. But there are larch, pine and fir as well. Many species of plants are carefully guarded; more than 10 rare mosses have got to the Red Data List.
Snow Leopard
In Altai the snow leopard was considered an endangered species at the beginning of the century. Today in the world there are about 7000 animals, 100 of which are found in Russia. About 10 individuals inhabit the Sayano-Shushenski Reserve. The snow leopards are thoroughly monitored: camera traps are placed, and collars with satellite tracking are on snow leopards. For the first time, a similar collar was put on the Mongolian snow leopard in 2008. Observation of animals helps to accurately determine their numbers, to study the habits of snow leopards and their habitats.
Kibik-Cordon Marble Field

In addition to the sites of ancient people and places with bones of ancient animals, the Sayano-Shushenski Reserve also captures other historical areas. Near the Kibik cordon, for example. Once upon a time there began to produce a unique breed that personifies the antique splendor in architecture. It's marble. It turns out that it can be found in Russia as well. Of course, it is not the same as in the Mediterranean, but beautiful in its own way. Mining is still ongoing.
Joyskaya Sosnovka Bay

The bay formed at the confluence of the Joyskaya Sosnovka River which is a bright colorful place with a large pier. Visitors usually change here to a motor ship departing along one of 2 well-designed routes. What the locations associated with the rivers flowing into the huge Yenisei's fjord Joy look like? There are the exits of granites, marble, ophiolitic allochthones, jades, serpentinites and even gold (there is a lot left even after the “gold fever”).
Mineral spring Arzhaan-Uru

The mineral spring is located near the rivulet of the same name. The translation of the hydronym from Tuvan is “female holy spring”. It is believed that its water heals. From ancient times, the outflow of a soil river saturated with useful minerals was revered as a sacred place. The branches of all trees are tied with multi-colored rags (thanks for spirits) all around. It was necessary to follow the ritual completely - to burn juniper twigs, to carry out other offerings (throw coins or even some inexpensive women's jewelry). The place was included in the strictly protected area of the reserve. On the way here you will meet amazing landscapes - you will advance, going up and down to different terraces of the southern macroslope of the Western Sayan.
Ergak-Targak-Taiga Mountain Range

The buffer zone of the Sayano-Shushenski Reserve (eastern shore of the reservoir) is located in the mountainous “country”. We note right away that a large half of it (further east) is a natural park. Continuous resort with summer recreation areas and winter ski resorts. In Russia, the Ergaki complex is the 4th most popular recreation for winter. But we are talking about the western part - a quiet and mysterious area. Commercial tours are not organized here. But you can always arrange a trip yourself.
Bear Lake and East

Some of the lakes of the Sayano-Shushenski Reserve which already named are worthy of a separate paragraph, as they are well-known points for summer excursions by scientists. This refers to their business trip to the "Gray Sayan Mountains" training ground. The most accessible of such mountain water bodies is presented in the title. The history of its name is very curious.
The fact is that the boulders are a little towering on its mirror surface, look very much like club-footed predators who came to a watering place. And the sizes just match. All the charm of this natural reservoir is the incredible purity of water, a chance to see rare ungulate and colorful boron birds. And the bear, in whose honor the tiny hooded basin was named.
Tips for Tourist

- On the reservation territory it is strictly forbidden to engage in logging, surveying, construction of dams or other structures, animal walking, mowing and any fields. However, gathering and sporting fishing are allowed in the buffer zone. State inspectors explain the location of the recreational spots. There you can put tents, collect brushwood.
- During a fire hazard situation, an open fire is prohibited.
- Independent visits to the tracts of the protected area is permissible only by crossing the official points of registration of visitors - 6 inspector's cordons, which are located in port bays, foot and road ways. At such checkpoints, you should present a pass issued by the administration of the reserved corner. It is located in the village of Shushenskoye. On Zapovednaya street, 7.
- Weapons, drugs, potent substances (capable of harming the environment), any containers, as well as garbage, should not be brought into the tracts.
- Vandalism against archaeological sites, flora and fauna, as well as damage to the property of the reserve (full-house signs, signs and information stands) are punishable by serious penalties. Just like flying below 2,000 m.
- Employees of the institution do not advise while being in the reservation to listen to loud music, scream loudly or deviate far from the trail.
- If you apply a few days before the visit to the mineral spring, you can get a universal pass, giving the right to cross the territories of two reserves at once - Ubsunurskaya Hollow and Sayano-Shushensky.
- You cannot enter the protected area of reservoirs on your water transport.
- It is strictly forbidden to violate the protection zone of the reservoir by car.
- At the visit center of the specially protected natural areas, there is Yenisei Ecological and Health Center operates. You will have access to sites for initial survival courses in the wild in there.

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